Product range
Some of them can still be seen standing majestically on our grounds today – specimen trees originally planted by the founder of our company, Detert Johannes Burmann. To this day, we continue to cultivate and care for them with passion and care in order to respond to our customers’ wishes for outstanding specimen trees at just the right time.
Whenever a suitable project comes alone, we have the perfect extra-large specimen trees ready and waiting for you.
Through the constant raising of plant-ready specimen trees and young plants, we are able to offer you a wide spectrum of truly stunning beauties. We provide assistance and expert guidance throughout the selection process for challenging customer projects, and we provide transport as a pass-through item. We are your specialist retailer when it comes to out-of-the-ordinary specimen trees.
Would you like to come and take a first-hand look at our exceptional assortment? We’d be more than delighted to welcome you any time here in the D.J. Burmann Tree Nursery.

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Fresh transplanted #pinus strobus Radiata and #pinussylvestris stems.